Presentations 2019
Andrea Bordone and Giancarlo Raiteri - SeaDataNet, an enhanced ocean data infrastructure giving services to scientists and society - "Mario Zucchelli" Italian Antarctic Base, November 2019 (presentation)
Michèle Fichaut and SeaDataNet Consortium - SeaDataNet, Further developing the SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management - IQUOD Workshop - 31th October 2019 in Brest, France (presentation)
S. Simoncelli and WP11 Team - SeaDataCloud products and link with IQuod - IQuod Workshop - 29-31th October 2019 in Brest, France (presentation)
Gaudin François, Mendes Fabrice, Calvat Pascal, Del Amo Yolanda. Connexion de la base de données SOMLIT à l'infrastructure paneuropéenne SeaDataNet. Journée scientifique de l'exercice d'intercomparaison SOMLIT 2019, Roscoff, France, 10 October 2019 (presentation)
Michèle Fichaut - Outils SeaDatNet utilisant les référentiels vocabulaires - Atelier ODATIS - 8 Octobre 2019, Marseille (presentation)
Michèle Fichaut - Référentiels de SeaDataNet pour les paramètres - Atelier ODATIS - 8 Octobre 2019, Marseille (presentation)
Alexandra Kokkinaki -SeaDataCloud - SeaDataNet experience and contribution - EPOS IP Final Event - 27th September 2019 in Madrid, spain (presentation)
Leda Pecci, Michele Fichaut, Dick Schaap - SeaDataNet, an enhanced ocean data infrastructure giving services to scientists and society - 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth - 24-27 September 2019 in Florence, Italy (presentation) (abstract)
Dick Schaap - Connecting the world with ocean observations: interoperability and governance - OceanObs2019 - 19th September 2019 in Honolulu, Hawaii (presentation)
Marcin Wichorowski - - Oceanographic Data and Information System for Polish NODC - CODATA 2019 - 19-20 September 2019 in Beijing, China (presentation)
Leda Pecci, Franco Reseghetti, Marcello Galli et al., ENEA nei progetti per le infrastrutture di dati marini, ENEA Marine Environmental Research Centre, La Spezia (Italy) 28/06/2019 to a delegation of ENEA from different research centres (presentation)
S. Simoncelli, M. Fichaut, D. Schaap, R. Schlitzer, A. Barth, C. Fratianni - Marine Open data : a way to stimulate ocean science through EMODnet and SeaDataNet initiative - Miscellanea - 26th, 27th June 2019 in Rome, Italy (presentation) (abstract)
Mattia D'Antonio - Integration of iRODS data workflows in an extensible HTTP REST API framework - IRODS UGM2019 - 26-27th June 2019 in Utrecht, the Netherlands (presentation)
Michèle Fichaut, Dick Schaap - Working in partnership with SeaDataNet - EMODnet - BODC 50th anniversary - 08 May 2019 in Liverpool, United-Kingdom (presentation)
Marco Alba - EMODNet Physics - 9th International Ferrybox meeting - 24-26 april 2019 in Genova, Italy (presentation)
Lorenzo Corgnati, Carlo Mantovani - Data is not just data, an opportunity to give long life to our data - Internal presentation at ENEA - 17 April 2019 in La Spezia, Italy (presentation)
Peter Thijsse - Recent developments on the SeaDataCloud Discovery and Access service - EGU2019 - 11 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (presentation)
Del Mar Chaves Montero - Developing the fist pan-European marine litter database within EMODnet chemistry - EGU2019 - 9th april 2019 in Vienna, Austria (presentation)
Sebastian Mieruch - Bringing the Ocean Data View (ODV) Software to the Web - EGU2019 - 11 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (abstract) (presentation)
Charles Troupin - Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) software tool - EGU2019 - 11 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (presentation)
Charles Troupin - DIVA & DIVAnd interpolation tools, all you need to know about them - EGU2019 - 11 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (presentation)
Alexandra Kokkinaki, Justin Buck, Adam Leadbetter, Rob Thomas, Mark Hebden - Enhancing discoverability of the European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED) with - EGU 2019 - 11 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (abstract) (presentation)
Charles Troupin, Alexander Barth, Sylvain Watelet, Jean-Marie Beckers, Merret Buurman, Yohann Legrand, Mikael Karlsson, Sebastian Mieruch, Giorgio Santinelli, and Peter Thijsse - From in situ observations to gridded fields using DIVAnd and the cloud - EGU2019 - 09 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (abstract) (presentation)
Lorenzo Corgnati, Carlo Mantovani, Jose Luis Asensio Igoa, Anna Rubio, Julien Mader, Emma Reyes, Antonio Novellino, Patrick Gorringe, and Annalisa Griffa - The European High Frequency Radar Node - EGU2019 - 09 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (abstract) (presentation)
Peter Thijsse, Dick M.A Schaap, and Michele Fichaut - Delivering marine data from the cloud - Recent developments on the SeaDataCloud Discovery and Access service - EGU2019 - 09 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria (abstract) (presentation)
Leda Pecci - The contribution of the SeaDataNet infrastructure in the extreme weather events study - EGU2019 - ENVRI booth - 09/04/2019 in Vienna, Austria (presentation)
Leda Pecci - The contribution of the SeaDataNet infrastructure in the Arctic studies - EGU2019 - ENVRI booth - 08/04/2019 in Vienna, Austria (presentation)
Gilbert Maudire - SeaDataCloud: Further developing the SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management - CMEMS, in situ TAC assembly - 21 March 2019 in Brest, France (presentation)
Jan-Bart Calewaert - Marine data & information sharing developments in Europe - IODE XXV - 18 February 2019 in Tokyo, Japan (presentation)
Alexandra Kokkinaki, Gwen Moncoiffe - Controlled vocabularies, google dataset search, oceans, scientists: How we are all connected - UK's National Oceanography Centre seminar series - 6 February 2019 in Liverpool, United Kingdom (presentation)