Discover international data

SeaDataNet maintains a network of European data centres and gives a central index and access to their marine data resources by means of the CDI Data Discovery and Access service. This way, SeaDataNet covers and provides an extensive set of in-situ data as acquired in European waters and worldwide with research vessels, observing networks, and other data collection activities as deployed by European operators from research institutes and national monitoring agencies. 

In addition, there are many other marine data collection activities ongoing worldwide and those data sets might also be of relevance for SeaDataNet users. Therefore, SeaDataNet has established a brokering service with a user-friendly search interface to discover marine dataset collections which are managed at major international marine data portals:

  • Australia Ocean Data Network (AODN - Australia)
  • US – NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI - USA)
  • NOAA World Ocean Database (WOD - USA)
  • SeaDataNet (SDN - Europe)


After discovery, users are pointed to the individual portals for more detailed information and services for actual access of the data collections. This service has been set up to help users in search of marine data to locate quickly possibly relevant data collections. There might be overlaps in collections as managed at the different portals as the service gives individual indexes, although different processing and validations might have been applied, probably resulting in other versions of same original data sets. For the brokerage use is made of the DAB framework as developed and maintained by ESSI-Lab of CNR-IIA. This framework is also in use for the GEOSS portal.