Presentations 2017
Scory Serge, Schaap Dick M.A. and Fichaut Michèle - SeaDataNet, a network of distributed oceanographic data centres now going to the cloud - International Workshop on Sharing, Citation and Publication of Scientific Data across Disciplines, 5-7 December 2017 in Tachikawa, Tokyo (presentation)
Schaap Dick M.A., Ariyo Chris - SeaDataCloud - further developing the pan-European SeaDataNet infrastructure for marine and ocean data management - Digital Infrastructures for Research 2017 "Connecting the building Blocks for Open Science", 1st December 2017 in Brussels, Belgium (presentation)
Simoncelli Simona, Coatanoan C., Myroshnychenko V., Pinardi N., Bäck Ö., Sagen H., Scory S., Barth A., Schaap D., Schlitzer R. and fichaut M. - From SeaDataNet to SeaDataCloud: historical data collections, climatologies and new data products - MONGOOS Workshop, 15th November 2017 in Athens, Greece (presentation)
Roy Lowry - Putting meaning into oceanographic measurements - Presentation at HCMR, October 2017 in Greece (presentation)
Leda Pecci, Franco Reseghetti, Stefania Furia, Marcello Galli, Stefano Ferriani, Daniele Visparelli, Andrea Bordone - Progretti Europei per le infrastrutture di dati marini - Internal ENEA meeting, 12th October 2017, Lerici, Italy (presentation)
Valeriy Kosykh, Evgenii Viazilov, Alexander Sterin, Olga Bulygina - WDCS in Obninsk, Russia: on a way to WDS resource integration - CODATA conference 2017 - Global challenges and Data-Driven Science, 8-13 October in St. Petersburg, Russia (presentation)
Wichorowski Marcin and Sagan Slawomir - How to accomplish interoperability of heterogeneous concepts? Multifunctional sensors and systems for in-situ monitoring of marine environment - CODATA conference 2017 - Global challenges and Data-Driven Science, 8-13 October in St. Petersburg, Russia (presentation)
T Loubrieu, G Leblan, A. Barth, Charles Troupin,Christine Coatanoan, Merret Buurman, Marco rorro, Nicolas Liampotis, Harsha Vathsavay, Claudio Cacciari, Sebastien Mieruch, Reiner Schlitzer, Giorgio Santinelli, Simon Claus, Mickaël Treguer, Dick M.A. Schaap - SeaDataCloud VRE - Analysis of potential architecture options - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé - Further developments of common vocabularies within SeaDataCloud and related european Projects - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Friedich Nast - ODIP II - CSR Best Practices - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Alexandra Kokkinaki - Progress in SeaDataCloud: Review of data formats, also considering INSPIRE data models (O&M) - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Adam Leadbetter, Rob Thomas, Alexandra Kokkinaki, Chris Wood, Dick Schaap - Linked Data Developments in SeaDataCloud - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Alexandra Kokkinaki, Chris Wood - Progress in EDMED/EDIOS Catalogues SPARQL endpoint - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Charles Troupin - Example for DIVAnd with automatic data download - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Christian Autermann, Simon Jirka - SWE Metadata editors and SeaDataCloud SWE ingestion service - 8th ODIP Workshop, 2 October 2017 in Galway, Ireland (presentation)
Schaap Dick M.A. - SeaDataCloud - further developing the pan-european SeaDataNet infrastructure for marine and ocean datamanagement - Second International Open Research Cloud Congress, 28th September 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherlands (presentation)
Soumaya Lahbib, Gérald Grégori, Melilotus Thyssen, Mathilde Dugenne, Maurice Libes, Pierre Marrec - Gestion standardisée et intéropérabilité des données de la cytométrie en flux avec l'infrastructure (EU) SeaDataCloud - Intercomparaison annuelle SOMLIT, 28th September 2017 in Marseille, France (presentation)
Soumaya Lahbib - 1er Atelier technique "Bonnes pratiques techniques au service de l'intéropérabilité" - ODATIS, 11-12 September 2017 in Brest, France (presentation)
Sissy Iona - SeaDataNet CDI Catalogue Service -OpenScience Fair 2017 Conference, How FAIR friendly is your data catalogue? Workshop, 8 September 2017, Athens, Greece (presentation)
Taco de Bruin - Data management within a specific domain: an oceanographic use case in the frame of the SeaDataNet infrastructure - Research 4 Data Support, 29th June 2017, Netherlands (presentation)
Serge Scory - SeaDataCloud – further developing the pan-European SeaDataNet infrastructure for marine and ocean data management - European GEO Workshop, 19-21 June 2017 in Helsinki, Finland (presentation)
Alaxander Mikheev, Alaxander Vorontsov, Evgenii VJAZILOV - Russia Contribution in international oceanographic data exchange - XV International scientific-technical conference "Modern methods and tools for oceanographic research", Vol. 2 pp 351-354, 16-18 May 2017, Moscow, Russian (presentation)
Alexandra Kokkinaki, Justin Buck, Louise Darroch, and Thomas Gardner - Using URIs to effectively transmit sensor data and metadata. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-19564 (abstract) (presentation)
Antonio Novellino, Patrick Gorringe, Dick Schaap, Sylvie Pouliquen, Lesley Rickards, Peter Thijsse, and Giuseppe Manzella - EMODnet Physics in the EMODnet program phase 3. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-7113 (abstract) (presentation)
Dick M. A. Schaap and Michele Fichaut - SeaDataCloud – further developing the pan-European SeaDataNet infrastructure for marine and ocean data management. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-4377 (abstract) (presentation)
Alexander Barth, Charles Troupin, Sylvain Watelet, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, and Jean-Marie Beckers (2017) - Web-based workflows to produce ocean climatologies using DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) and Jupyter notebooks. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-19565 (abstract) (presentation)
Fichaut Michèle (2017) - SeaDataCloud, Further developing the SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management. IODE XXIV, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27 March, 2017 (presentation)
Soumaya Lahbib, Mathilde Dugenne, Pierre Marrec, Maurice Libes, Gérald Grégori, Melilotus Thyssen - Flow cytometry data management - CytoBuoy Meeting, 27th March 2017 in Woerden, Netherlands (presentation)
Maudire Gilbert - SeaDataCloud - Pilot Blue Cloud Workshop, 25th March 2017 in Brussels, Belgium (presentation)
Peter Thijsse - An end to dowloading - The outlook of the SDC VRE putting an end for the need to download - Digishape Symposium, 21th March 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherlands (presentation)
Schaap Dick (2017) - SeaDataCloud, further developing the SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management. ODIP II project workshop, Hobart, Australia, 7-10 March, 2017 (presentation)
Stefano Ferriani - SeaDataNet Standards - XXXII Italian Antarctic Expedition - 20 February 2017 at Research vessel ITALICA in the Ross Sea (presentation)