New release of NEMO 1.7.0
NEMO is now able to generate BioODV, flowcytometry and microlitter ODV files, from ASCI files which are compatible with NEMO principles.
NEMO 1.7.0 also manages full CSV files, with station headers in CSV format (new formats are available for data/time and lat/lon in the station description for these CSV files)
- Adds-on:
- Support for ODV biological, flowcytometry, microlitter variants formats
- Possibility to have multiple parameters that have the same P01
- Vocabulary lists can now be updated via the batch
- Possibility to use separators in station headers
- Possibility to add cruise name, ship code, cruise comment, and local CSR identifier or BSH CSR reference as arguments in Nemo Batch
- New data termination indicator type for csv files: change of value in a given column
- ISO and Julian formats accepted for date in Station description
- Possibility to input manually the data type in station description
- Possibility to input a date parameter in data description
- Update EDMO web services URL in settings
- Update URLs for CDIs, CSRs and NERC vocabularies
- Bugs corrections:
- Fix error when setting time manually for a timeseries
- Fix error with some NA values
- Fix out of memory error with big files with separators: increase max memory allocation to 2048Mo and limit data display to 100 lines in the data tab
- Use unit XXXX instead of UUUU for text parameters
- Fix non validated models backup for data tab