CSR services for POGO
On a global scale, the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) together with inter alia the Census of Marine Life (CoML) have recognised the need to improve on information sharing on pre-planned, planned, current and past cruises and related databases to enhance awareness of opportunities, to improve costeffectiveness of cruises and to improve data mining.
POGO awarded SeaDataNet the task to develop an International Research Cruise website that will be maintained by POGO member institutes.
o Visit the International Research Cruise website
This website gives access to the following 3 directories:
1. Worldwide ocean-going research vessels: characteristics of ocean-going vessels larger than 60 m in length. Currently, it includes 159 research vessels, which can be searched on vessel name, country, length, and main activities;
2. Planned research cruises: cruise programmes that can be searched by various criteria and by geographical map;
3. Cruise Summary Reports (CSRs): a special version of the SeaDataNet CSR directory, focusing on all ocean-going vessels longer than 60 m on a global scale.